Kanzi 3.9.10
kanzi::ScrollView3D Class Reference

Use the Scroll View 3D node to create an input plane to enable user input from gestures. More...

#include <kanzi/ui/node/scroll_view3d.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for kanzi::ScrollView3D:

Public Member Functions

optional< Matrix3x3calculatePanTransform (const InputManipulator::InputMessageArguments &arguments) const
 Calculates the transform for a pan delta from input coordinates to the local scroll plane.
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< Node3D, ScrollView3D >
void enableKeyNavigation (bool enabled)
 Enables directional key navigation on the Scroll View.
AllowedScrollAxis getAllowedScrollAxis () const
 Returns the value of the AllowedScrollAxisProperty.
float getDraggingAccelerationCoefficient () const
 Gets the value of the DraggingAccelerationCoefficientProperty.
float getDraggingDragCoefficient () const
 Gets the value of the DraggingDragCoefficientProperty.
float getDraggingImpulseFactor () const
 Gets the value of the DraggingImpulseFactorProperty.
int getMaximumNumberOfTouches () const
 Gets the value of the MaximumNumberOfTouchesProperty.
int getMinimumNumberOfTouches () const
 Gets the value of the MinimumNumberOfTouchesProperty.
PanManipulatorSharedPtr getPanManipulator () const
 Returns the pan manipulator.
float getRecognitionThreshold () const
 Gets the value of the RecognitionThresholdProperty.
Vector2 getScroll () const
 Gets the values of the current scroll position of a Scroll View.
Vector2 getScrollBoundsMaximum () const
 Gets the value of the ScrollBoundsMaximumProperty.
Vector2 getScrollBoundsMinimum () const
 Gets the value of the ScrollBoundsMinimumProperty.
Vector2 getScrollPosition () const
 Gets the value of the ScrollPositionProperty.
Vector2 getScrollSpeed () const
 Gets the value of the ScrollSpeedProperty.
Vector2 getScrollTarget () const
 Gets the values of the scroll position of a Scroll View to which the Scroll View is scrolling.
Vector2 getScrollTargetLooping () const
 When you enable looping, returns the scroll position value normalized to the allowed range of a Scroll View.
Vector2 getScrollTargetPosition () const
 Gets the value of the ScrollTargetPositionProperty.
float getSensitivity () const
 Gets the value of the SensitivityProperty.
float getSlidingAccelerationCoefficient () const
 Gets the value of the SlidingAccelerationCoefficientProperty.
float getSlidingDragCoefficient () const
 Gets the value of the SlidingDragCoefficientProperty.
Vector2 getSpeed () const
 Queries the interpolator for the current speed.
float getStepMultiplier () const
 Gets the value of the StepMultiplierProperty.
float getSwipeDistance () const
 Gets the value of the SwipeDistanceProperty.
float getZoom () const
 Gets the value of the ZoomProperty.
float getZoomMaximum () const
 Gets the value of the ZoomMaximumProperty.
float getZoomMinimum () const
 Gets the value of the ZoomMinimumProperty.
bool isDragging () const
 Checks whether a finger is on the surface.
bool isLoopingXEnabled () const
 Gets the value of the LoopingXEnabledProperty.
bool isLoopingYEnabled () const
 Gets the value of the LoopingYEnabledProperty.
bool isReversedXAxisScroll () const
 Returns the value of the ReversedXAxisScrollProperty.
bool isReversedYAxisScroll () const
 Returns the value of the ReversedYAxisScrollProperty.
bool isScrolling () const
 Gets the value of the ScrollingProperty.
bool isZoomAffectsScrolling () const
 Gets the value of the ZoomAffectsScrollingProperty.
bool isZoomEnabled () const
 Gets the value of the ZoomEnabledProperty.
void jumpToPosition (Vector2 scrollPosition)
 Sets the value for a scroll position within a Scroll View and goes to that position immediately without scrolling.
void refreshThreshold ()
 Updates the recognition threshold of the pan manipulator to the value of the RecognitionThresholdProperty value.
void scroll (ScrollDirection direction)
 Sets the scroll delta to one step and starts scrolling in that direction.
void scroll (ScrollEdge direction)
 Sets the scroll target to the edge defined by the scroll bounds and starts scrolling in that direction.
void scroll (ScrollPage direction)
 Sets the scroll delta to one distance of the layout height of a Scroll View and starts scrolling in that direction.
void scrollToPosition (Vector2 scrollPosition)
 Sets the value for the scroll position within a Scroll View and starts scrolling to that value.
void scrollToPositionLooping (Vector2 scrollPosition)
 If you enabled the axis looping for a Scroll View, Kanzi uses the shortest path to the target value.
void setAllowedScrollAxis (AllowedScrollAxis axis)
 Sets the value of the AllowedScrollAxisProperty.
void setDraggingAccelerationCoefficient (float value)
 Sets the value of the DraggingAccelerationCoefficientProperty.
void setDraggingDragCoefficient (float value)
 Sets the value of the DraggingDragCoefficientProperty.
void setDraggingImpulseFactor (float value)
 Sets the value of the DraggingImpulseFactorProperty.
void setLoopingXEnabled (bool value)
 Sets the value of the LoopingXEnabledProperty.
void setLoopingYEnabled (bool value)
 Sets the value of the LoopingYEnabledProperty.
void setMaximumNumberOfTouches (int value)
 Sets the value of the MaximumNumberOfTouchesProperty.
void setMinimumNumberOfTouches (int value)
 Sets the value of the MinimumNumberOfTouchesProperty.
void setRecognitionThreshold (float value)
 Sets the value of the RecognitionThresholdProperty.
void setReversedXAxisScroll (bool enable)
 Sets the value of the ReversedXAxisScrollProperty.
void setReversedYAxisScroll (bool enable)
 Sets the value of the ReversedYAxisScrollProperty.
void setScrollBoundsMaximum (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of the ScrollBoundsMaximumProperty.
void setScrollBoundsMinimum (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of the ScrollBoundsMinimumProperty.
void setScrollBoundsX (float minimum, float maximum)
 Sets the bounds on the x axis.
void setScrollBoundsY (float minimum, float maximum)
 Sets the bounds on the y axis.
void setScrolling (bool value)
 Sets the value of the ScrollingProperty.
void setScrollPosition (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of the ScrollPositionProperty.
void setScrollSpeed (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of the ScrollSpeedProperty.
void setScrollTargetPosition (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of the ScrollTargetPositionProperty.
void setSensitivity (float value)
 Sets the value of the SensitivityProperty.
void setSlidingAccelerationCoefficient (float value)
 Sets the value of the SlidingAccelerationCoefficientProperty.
void setSlidingDragCoefficient (float value)
 Sets the value of the SlidingDragCoefficientProperty.
void setStepMultiplier (float value)
 Sets the value of the StepMultiplierProperty.
void setSwipeDistance (float value)
 Sets the value of the SwipeDistanceProperty.
void setZoom (float value)
 Sets the value of the ZoomProperty.
void setZoomAffectsScrolling (bool value)
 Sets the value of the ZoomAffectsScrollingProperty.
void setZoomEnabled (bool value)
 Sets the value of the ZoomEnabledProperty.
void setZoomMaximum (float value)
 Sets the value of the ZoomMaximumProperty.
void setZoomMinimum (float value)
 Sets the value of the ZoomMinimumProperty.
 ~ScrollViewConceptImpl () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::Node3D
bool addAbstractChildOverride (NodeSharedPtr child) override
void addChild (const Node3DSharedPtr &child)
 Adds a child node to a 3D node.
void arrange ()
 Performs layout arrangement on a 3D node.
void arrangeIterate ()
 Initial scene arrange.
void arrangeIterateLayout (bool propagateArrange)
void arrangeIterateLayoutChild (bool propagateArrange)
ChildConstIterator beginChildren () const
void centeredArrange (Vector3 actualSize) const
 Default implementation of arrange for a layout that accommodates all children at its center.
Vector3 centeredMeasure (Vector3 availableSize) const
 Default implementation of measure for a layout that accommodates all children at its center.
ChildConstIterator endChildren () const
const RenderEntryParameterContainergenerateRenderStates (DrawObjectsRenderPass &drawPass)
 Gets a listing of render entry parameters to use to generate render states.
size_t getAbstractChildCountOverride () override
size_t getAbstractChildIndexOverride (const Node &node) override
NodeSharedPtr getAbstractChildOverride (size_t index) override
Vector3 getActualSize () const
 Returns the actual size of a 3D node.
Vector3 getAllocatedOffset () const
 Returns the allocated offset of a 3D node.
Vector3 getAllocatedSize () const
 Returns the allocated size of a 3D node.
Matrix4x4 getArrangeTransformation () const
 Returns the layout transformation of a 3D node.
virtual optional< BoxgetBoundingBox () const
 Gets the bounding box of a 3D node.
Node3DSharedPtr getChild (size_t index) const
 Gets a child node at a given index.
size_t getChildCount () const
 Gets the number of child nodes in a 3D node.
size_t getChildIndex (const Node &child) const
 Gets the index of a child node.
Vector3 getCoreDesiredSize () const
 Returns the core desired size of a 3D node.
Vector3 getDesiredSize () const
 Returns the desired size of a 3D node.
Node3DSharedPtr getFaceToCameraTarget () const
void getLayoutBoundingBoxSize (Vector3 &bboxMin, Vector3 &bboxMax) const
 Returns the size of the bounding box of a 3D node.
Node3DSharedPtr getLookAtTarget () const
Vector3 getMaximumBoundingBoxCoordinates () const
 Returns the maximum coordinates for the bounding volume of a 3D node.
Vector3 getMinimumBoundingBoxCoordinates () const
 Returns the minimum coordinates for the bounding volume of a 3D node.
Node3DSharedPtr getOrientationConstraintTarget () const
Vector3 getPivotOffset () const
 Returns the pivot offset of a 3D node.
Node3DSharedPtr getPositionConstraintTarget () const
RenderMode getRenderMode () const
 Returns the render mode.
Vector3 getSize () const
 Returns the size of a 3D node.
Vector3 getStretchScale () const
 Returns the stretch scale of a 3D node.
bool hasChild (const Node &child) const
 Returns whether a child node exists.
virtual pair< NodeSharedPtr, floathitTestContent (const Ray &ray)
 Default hit test implementation of Node3D content.
void insertChild (size_t index, const Node3DSharedPtr &child)
 Adds to a 3D node a child node at a given index.
bool isPrimitiveLayout () const
 Indicates whether a 3D node has primitive layout behavior.
void layout ()
 Calculates the layouts in a scene recursively. Calls the measure and arrange functions of every 3D node in the scene.
void measure (const Vector3 &availableSize)
 Performs the default measure step.
void measureIterate ()
 Initial scene measure.
virtual bool measureRecursive ()
 Performs layout measurement for a 3D node.
bool moveAbstractChildToPositionOverride (NodeSharedPtr child, size_t index) override
 Node::moveAbstractChildToPosition() implementation.
void moveChildToPosition (Node3DSharedPtr child, size_t index)
 Moves a child node to a given position in the list of child nodes.
void moveToBack ()
 Repositions a 3D node to the beginning of the list of child nodes of its parent node, so that Kanzi draws the node first.
void moveToFront ()
 Repositions a 3D node to the end of the list of child nodes of its parent node, so that Kanzi draws the node last.
virtual void onTransform ()
 Per-node step performed on transform, after Kanzi calculates the final transformation.
ChildConstReverseIterator rbeginChildren () const
void registerDrawPass (DrawObjectsRenderPassSharedPtr drawPass)
 Registers a DrawObjectsRenderPass that renders a 3D node.
bool removeAbstractChildOverride (Node &child) override
void removeAllChildren ()
 Removes all child nodes from a 3D node.
void removeChild (const Node &child)
 Removes a child node from a 3D node.
void removeChild (size_t index)
 Removes from a 3D node a child node at a given index.
ChildConstReverseIterator rendChildren () const
void render (Renderer3D &renderer, RenderEntry3D &renderEntry)
 Renders a 3D node using a given render state.
void setActualSize (const Vector3 &actualSize)
 Sets the actual size of a 3D node.
void setAllocatedOffset (const Vector3 &allocatedOffset)
 Sets the allocated offset of a 3D node.
void setAllocatedSize (const Vector3 &layoutSize)
 Sets the allocated size of a 3D node.
void setArrangeTransformation (const Matrix4x4 &value)
 Sets the layout transformation of a 3D node.
void setAutoDepth ()
 Sets a node to determine its depth automatically.
void setAutoHeight ()
 Sets a node to determine its height automatically.
void setAutoSize ()
 Sets a node to determine its width, height, and depth automatically.
void setAutoWidth ()
 Sets a node to determine its width automatically.
void setCoreDesiredSize (const Vector3 &coreDesiredSize)
 Sets the core desired size of a 3D node.
void setDesiredSize (const Vector3 &desiredSize)
 Sets the desired size of a 3D node.
void setLayoutBoundingBoxSize (const Vector3 &bboxMin, const Vector3 &bboxMax)
 Sets the size of the bounding box of a 3D node.
void setPivotOffset (const Vector3 &pivotOffset)
 Sets the pivot offset of a 3D node.
void setRenderMode (RenderMode mode)
 Sets the render mode.
void setSize (float width, float height, float depth)
 Sets the dimensions of a node.
void setSize (Vector3 size)
 Sets the dimensions of a node.
void setStretchScale (const Vector3 &stretchScale)
 Sets the stretch scale of a 3D node.
 ~Node3D () override
Matrix4x4 getFinalTransformation () const
 Gets the value of the FinalTransformationProperty.
void setFinalTransformation (Matrix4x4 value)
 Sets the value of the FinalTransformationProperty.
float getFrustumCullMargin () const
 Gets the value of the FrustumCullMarginProperty.
void setFrustumCullMargin (float value)
 Sets the value of the FrustumCullMarginProperty.
SRTValue3D getRenderTransformation () const
 Gets the value of the RenderTransformationProperty.
void setRenderTransformation (SRTValue3D value)
 Sets the value of the RenderTransformationProperty.
SRTValue3D getLayoutTransformation () const
 Gets the value of the LayoutTransformationProperty.
void setLayoutTransformation (SRTValue3D value)
 Sets the value of the LayoutTransformationProperty.
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::Node
ResourceSharedPtr acquireResource (const ResourceID &id) const
 Acquires a resource from the node or the node's closest ancestor having the resource id in the resource dictionary.
template<typename T >
shared_ptr< TacquireResource (const ResourceID &id) const
 Acquires a resource from the node or the node's closest ancestor having the resource id in the resource dictionary, and casts the resource to given type.
ResourceManager::AcquireTaskSharedPtr acquireResourceAsync (const ResourceID &key, ResourceManager::AsyncAcquireFinishedCallback func) const
 Posts an asynchronous task to acquire a resource.
ResourceDictionarySharedPtr acquireResourceDictionary ()
 Gets a resource dictionary of a node.
void addAnonymousResource (ResourceSharedPtr resource)
 Adds alias resource to an object node.
void addInputManipulator (InputManipulatorBaseSharedPtr inputManipulator)
 Transfers the ownership and attaches an input manipulator to an object node.
template<typename TMessageType >
MessageSubscriptionToken addMessageFilter (const TMessageType &messageType, typename TMessageType::FunctionType function)
 Adds a message filter where the filter is a function.
template<typename TMessageType , typename TClass , typename TClassMethod >
MessageSubscriptionToken addMessageFilter (TMessageType &messageType, TClass *messageHandlerObject, TClassMethod method)
 Adds a message filter where the filter is a method that is invoked on an object.
template<typename TMessageType >
MessageSubscriptionToken addMessageHandler (const TMessageType &messageType, typename TMessageType::FunctionType function)
 Adds a message handler where the handler is a function.
template<typename TMessageType >
MessageSubscriptionToken addMessageHandler (const TMessageType &messageType, typename TMessageType::FunctionType function, Node *messageSourceFilter)
 Adds a message handler where the handler is a function and you explicitly define the accepted source.
template<typename TMessageType , typename TClass , typename TClassMethod >
MessageSubscriptionToken addMessageHandler (TMessageType &messageType, TClass *messageHandlerObject, TClassMethod method)
 Adds a message handler where the handler is a method that is invoked on an object.
void addNodeComponent (NodeComponentSharedPtr nodeComponent)
 Transfers the ownership of a node component to an object node.
void addNodeComponentWithOwner (NodeComponentSharedPtr nodeComponent, const void *owner)
 Transfers the ownership of a node component to an object node and sets the owner of the node component.
void addNodeReference (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, AbstractNodeReference *reference)
void addResource (const ResourceID &resourceId, string_view resourceUrl)
 Adds a resource manager resource to an object node. If resourceID already exists in object, removes the existing entry. If resourceURL is NULL, error is thrown. *‍/.
void addResourceDictionary (ResourceDictionarySharedPtr resourceDictionary)
 Adds a nested resource dictionary to the resource dictionary of a node.
void addResourceReference (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, AbstractResourceReference *reference)
 This is a helper for automatic resource tracking in ResourceReference.
template<typename TMessageType , typename TClass , typename TClassMethod >
MessageSubscriptionToken addTunnelingFilter (const TMessageType &messageType, TClass *messageHandlerObject, TClassMethod method)
 Adds a message filter where the filter is a method that is invoked on an object.
template<typename TMessageType >
MessageSubscriptionToken addTunnelingFilter (const TMessageType &messageType, typename TMessageType::FunctionType function)
 Adds a message filter where the filter is a function.
template<typename TMessageType >
MessageSubscriptionToken addTunnelingHandler (const TMessageType &messageType, typename TMessageType::FunctionType function, Node *messageSourceFilter)
 Adds a message handler where the handler is a function and you explicitly define the accepted source.
AppliedStyleEntrySharedPtr applyManualStyle (StyleSharedPtr style)
 Applies a style to an object node.
AppliedStyleEntrySharedPtr applyStyle (StyleSharedPtr style)
 Applies a style to an object node.
void applyStyles ()
 Apply all styles for an object node.
void applyStylesRecursive ()
 Applies styles recursively.
void attachRecursive ()
 Attaches an object node and its children recursively.
InputManipulatorConstIterator beginInputManipulators () const
NodeComponentConstIterator beginNodeComponents () const
void clearChangeFlag (uint32_t flag)
 Clears a change flag.
void clearChildChangeFlag (uint32_t flag)
 Clears a child change flag.
bool containsResource (const ResourceID &resourceID) const
 Returns if object node resource dictionary contains the resource with given ID. Resource can be any type: style, alias or resource manager resource. *‍/.
BindingLookupContextPtr createLookupContext (NodeSharedPtr templateRoot)
 Creates a lookup context for the node.
void detachRecursive ()
 Detaches a node and its descendants.
void dispatchAbstractMessage (const AbstractMessageType &messageType, MessageArguments &messageArguments)
 Dispatches a message from this node with specified arguments.
template<typename TArgumentsType >
void dispatchMessage (const MessageType< TArgumentsType > &messageType, typename MessageType< TArgumentsType >::ArgumentsType &messageArguments)
 Dispatches a message from this node with specified arguments.
InputManipulatorConstIterator endInputManipulators () const
NodeComponentConstIterator endNodeComponents () const
template<typename TNodeType >
shared_ptr< TNodeTypefindAbstractChild (string_view name)
 Find a child by name. Finds direct children as well as children connected indirectly for example Viewport->Scene.
optional< string > findResourceURL (const ResourceID &resourceId) const
 Tries to find Resource URL for Resource ID from this node.
template<typename DataType >
DataType getAbstractProperty (AbstractPropertyType abstractPropertyType) const
uint32_t getChangeFlags () const
 Get current change flags.
uint32_t getChildChangeFlags () const
 Get current child change flags.
FocusManagergetFocusManager () const
 Returns the Focus Manager associated with the Screen node to which this node belongs.
FocusScopegetFocusScopeInfo () const
 Returns the information about the focus scope for a node.
InputManagergetInputManager () const
 Returns the Input Manager associated with the Screen node to which this node belongs.
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourcegetNodeFinalValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
template<typename DataType >
optional< typename PropertyType< DataType >::DataType > getOptionalAbstractProperty (AbstractPropertyType abstractPropertyType) const
template<typename DataType >
optional< typename PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType > getOptionalProperty (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType) const
 Evaluates the property value in the same way as the overload above but does not default to the value in property metadata if there are no inputs to the property value.
NodegetParent () const
 Returns the parent of the node.
template<typename DataType >
PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType getProperty (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType) const
 Returns the current value of a property.
ResourceDictionarySharedPtr getResourceDictionary () const
 If a node has a resource dictionary, returns the resource dictionary of that node.
ScreengetScreen () const
 Returns the Screen node to which this node belongs.
NodeSharedPtr getTemplateRoot () const
 Gets the template root of this node.
void invalidateArrange ()
 Invalidates arrange.
void invalidateDraw ()
 Invalidates draw flag for the node.
void invalidateFinalTransform ()
 Invalidates final transform for node.
void invalidateMeasure ()
 Invalidates measure for the node.
void invalidateRender ()
 Invalidates render for node.
bool isAnyChangeFlagSet (uint32_t flag) const
 Checks if any of given flags is set.
bool isAnyChildChangeFlagSet (uint32_t flag) const
 Checks if any child change flags (corresponding to given mask) are set.
bool isAttached () const
 Returns true if the node is attached to a screen or one of its descendants.
bool isAttaching () const
 Returns true if node is in the process of attaching, false otherwise.
bool isChangeFlagSet (uint32_t flag) const
 Checks if a change flag is set.
bool isChildChangeFlagSet (uint32_t flag) const
 Checks if child change flags match.
bool isDetaching () const
 Returns true if the node currently detaching.
bool isEffectivelyFocusable () const
 Returns whether a node is focusable.
bool isEffectivelyVisible () const
 Returns whether a node and its ancestor nodes are visible.
bool isInitialized () const
 Returns true if initialize() has been called, false otherwise.
bool isInvalidArrange () const
 Checks if the node needs arrange.
bool isInvalidDraw ()
 Tells if node draw flag is invalid.
bool isInvalidFinalTransform () const
 Tells if final transform flag is invalid for node.
bool isInvalidMeasure () const
 Check if the node needs measure.
bool isInvalidRender () const
 Returns if node render flag is invalid.
bool isNamed (string_view name) const
template<typename Type >
shared_ptr< Type > lookupNode (string_view pathOrKey)
 Returns a node of specified type by looking it up with specified path or alias.
template<typename Type >
shared_ptr< Type > lookupNodeComponent (string_view name)
 Returns a node component of specified type by looking it up with specified name.
NodelookupNodeRaw (string_view relativePath)
 Get an object node by another node and a relative path.
ObjectSharedPtr lookupObject (string_view relativePath)
 Lookup for an object from a node.
template<typename Type >
shared_ptr< Type > lookupObject (string_view relativePath)
 Lookup for an object from a node.
tuple< NodeSharedPtr, AbstractPropertyTypelookupObjectForStateManager (string_view relativePath)
 Lookup for an node and possible object from within the node for state manager.
void notifyResourceDictionaryModified ()
 Forces the re-evaluation of resource IDs in a node tree.
void removeAnonymousResource (const Resource &resource)
 Removes anonymous resource from object node resources.
void removeInputManipulator (InputManipulator &inputManipulator)
 Removes the ownership and detaches an input manipulator from an object node.
void removeKZBData ()
 Destroys all object node data loaded from KZB.
void removeKZBData (flat_set< AbstractPropertyType > *keepProperties)
 Destroys all object node data loaded from KZB, including properties, bindings, node components, resources etc.
void removeMessageHandler (MessageSubscriptionToken token)
 Removes a message subscription.
void removeNodeComponent (NodeComponent &nodeComponent)
 Removes the ownership of a node component from an object node.
void removeNodeComponentWithOwner (const void *owner)
 Removes all bindings with the specified owner.
void removeNodeReference (const AbstractNodeReference &reference)
void removeResource (const ResourceID &resourceId)
 Removes a resource with given ID from object node resource dictionary. Does not do anything if resourceID was not found. *‍/.
void removeResourceReference (const AbstractResourceReference &reference)
 This is a helper for automatic resource tracking in ResourceReference.
virtual void restoreResources ()
 Reattaches an object node after potential resource change.
void setChangeFlag (uint32_t flag)
 Sets a change flag.
void setChildChangeFlag (uint32_t flag)
 Sets a child change flag.
void setParent (Node *parent)
 Kanzi uses this method internally to set the parent of a node.
void setResourceDictionary (ResourceDictionarySharedPtr resourceDictionary)
 Replaces the resource dictionary of a node.
void setScreen (Screen *screen)
 Sets the Screen node to which this node belongs.
void setTemplateRoot (NodeSharedPtr templateRoot)
 Sets the template root of this node.
ResourceSharedPtr tryAcquireResource (const ResourceID &id) const
 Acquires a resource from the node or the node's closest ancestor having the resource id in the resource dictionary.
template<typename T >
shared_ptr< TtryAcquireResource (const ResourceID &id) const
 Acquires a resource from the node or the node's closest ancestor having the resource and casts the resource to given type.
KZ_DEPRECATED NodeSharedPtr trySetActiveFocus ()
 Tries to move the focus on this node.
NodeSharedPtr trySetFocus ()
 Tries to move the focus to this node.
NodeSharedPtr trySetFocus (FocusFallback fallbackOption)
 Tries to set the focus to the newFocusNode using FocusManager::trySetFocus() but with a fallback behavior in case the node does not gain focus.
void unapplyStyle (AppliedStyleEntrySharedPtr appliedStyleEntry)
 Unapplies a style from an object node.
void unapplyStyles ()
 Unapplies and removes all applied styles.
void unapplyStylesRecursive ()
 Unapplies styles recursively.
void validateArrange ()
 Validates arrange.
void validateDraw ()
 Validates draw flags for the node.
void validateDrawForChildrenRecursive ()
 Recursively validates draw for the children from this 2D node onwards.
void validateMeasure ()
 Validates measure for the node.
void validateRender ()
 Validates render for node.
VisitorResult visit (const Visitor &visitor, VisitorOrder order)
 Visits a node and its descendants.
VisitorResult visitDescendants (const Visitor &visitor, VisitorOrder order)
 Visits the descendants of a node.
 ~Node () override
string getName () const
 Gets the value of NameProperty.
void setName (string_view value)
 Sets the value of NameProperty.
string getPath () const
 Gets the value of PathProperty.
void setPath (string value)
 Sets the value of PathProperty.
string getLocale () const
 Gets the value of LocaleProperty.
void setLocale (string value)
 Sets the value of LocaleProperty.
bool isHitTestable () const
 Gets the value of HitTestableProperty.
void setHitTestable (bool value)
 Sets the value of HitTestableProperty.
bool isHitTestableContainer () const
 Gets the value of HitTestableContainerProperty.
void setHitTestableContainer (bool value)
 Sets the value of HitTestableContainerProperty.
bool isVisible () const
 Gets the value of VisibleProperty.
void setVisible (bool value)
 Sets the value of VisibleProperty.
bool isEnabled () const
 Returns the value of the EnabledProperty.
void setEnabled (bool value)
 Sets the value of the EnabledProperty.
bool isEffectivelyEnabled () const
 Returns the value of EffectivelyEnabledProperty.
bool isFocusable () const
 Gets the value of the FocusableProperty.
void setFocusable (bool value)
 Sets the value of the FocusableProperty.
bool isFocused () const
 Gets the value of the FocusedProperty.
void setFocused (bool value)
 Sets the value of the FocusedProperty.
FocusState getFocusState () const
 Gets the value of the FocusStateProperty.
void setFocusState (FocusState state)
 Sets the value of the FocusStateProperty.
FontFamilySharedPtr getFontFamily () const
 Gets the font family the node uses.
void setFontFamily (FontFamilySharedPtr value)
 Sets the font family the node uses.
float getVisibleAmountInParent () const
 Gets the value of VisibleAmountInParentProperty.
void setVisibleAmountInParent (float value)
 Sets the value of VisibleAmountInParentProperty.
float getProjection2DTo3DScale () const
 Gets the value of Projection2DTo3DScaleProperty.
void setProjection2DTo3DScale (float value)
 Sets the value of Projection2DTo3DScaleProperty.
ResourceSharedPtr getStyle () const
 Gets the value of StyleProperty.
void setStyle (ResourceSharedPtr value)
 Sets the value of StyleProperty.
ResourceSharedPtr getStateManager () const
 Gets the value of StateManagerProperty.
void setStateManager (ResourceSharedPtr value)
 Sets the value of StateManagerProperty.
float getWidth () const
 Gets the value of WidthProperty.
void setWidth (float value)
 Sets the value of WidthProperty.
float getHeight () const
 Gets the value of HeightProperty.
void setHeight (float value)
 Sets the value of HeightProperty.
float getDepth () const
 Gets the value of DepthProperty.
void setDepth (float value)
 Sets the value of DepthProperty.
float getActualWidth () const
 Gets the value of ActualWidthProperty.
void setActualWidth (float value)
 Sets the value of ActualWidthProperty.
float getActualHeight () const
 Gets the value of ActualHeightProperty.
void setActualHeight (float value)
 Sets the value of ActualHeightProperty.
float getActualDepth () const
 Gets the value of ActualDepthProperty.
void setActualDepth (float value)
 Sets the value of ActualDepthProperty.
Node::HorizontalAlignment getHorizontalAlignment () const
 Gets the value of HorizontalAlignmentProperty.
void setHorizontalAlignment (Node::HorizontalAlignment value)
 Sets the value of HorizontalAlignmentProperty.
Node::VerticalAlignment getVerticalAlignment () const
 Gets the value of VerticalAlignmentProperty.
void setVerticalAlignment (Node::VerticalAlignment value)
 Sets the value of VerticalAlignmentProperty.
Node::DepthAlignment getDepthAlignment () const
 Gets the value of DepthAlignmentProperty.
void setDepthAlignment (Node::DepthAlignment value)
 Sets the value of DepthAlignmentProperty.
Vector2 getHorizontalMargin () const
 Gets the value of HorizontalMarginProperty.
void setHorizontalMargin (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of HorizontalMarginProperty.
Vector2 getVerticalMargin () const
 Gets the value of VerticalMarginProperty.
void setVerticalMargin (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of VerticalMarginProperty.
Vector2 getDepthMargin () const
 Gets the value of DepthMarginProperty.
void setDepthMargin (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of DepthMarginProperty.
Node::ContentStretch getContentStretch () const
 Gets the value of ContentStretchProperty.
void setContentStretch (Node::ContentStretch value)
 Sets the value of ContentStretchProperty.
float getOpacity () const
 Gets the value of OpacityProperty.
void setOpacity (float value)
 Sets the value of OpacityProperty.
bool isHover () const
 Returns whether the node has HoverProperty set to true.
bool isClipChildren () const
 Gets the value of ClipChildrenProperty.
void setClipChildren (bool value)
 Sets the value of ClipChildrenProperty.
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::Object
AppliedStyleEntrySharedPtr applyObjectStyle (kanzi::StyleSharedPtr style)
 Applies a style to an object.
void applyObjectStyles ()
 Apply all styles for an object node.
DomaingetDomain () const
 Returns the domain the object belongs to.
const MetaclassgetDynamicMetaclass () const override
 Returns the metaclass of the dynamic type of the object.
MainLoopSchedulergetMainLoopScheduler () const
 Returns the MainLoopScheduler instance of the associated Domain.
detail::MessageDispatcher * getMessageDispatcher () const
 Returns the message dispatcher of the object.
ResourceManagergetResourceManager () const
 Returns the resource manager of the object.
ScriptingContextSharedPtr getScriptingContext () const
 Gets the scripting context of the object.
 Object (Domain *domain)
void setScriptingContext (ScriptingContextSharedPtr context)
 Sets the scripting context of the object.
void unapplyObjectStyle (AppliedStyleEntrySharedPtr appliedStyleEntry)
void unapplyObjectStyles ()
 Unapplies and removes all applied styles.
 ~Object () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::MetaObject
bool isTypeOf (const Metaclass *objectType) const
 Determines if the type of this object is the given type or derived from it.
virtual ~MetaObject ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::PropertyObject
template<typename DataType >
void addPropertyModifier (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::ModifierCallback callback, void *owner)
template<typename DataType >
void addPropertyModifierWithoutNotifyingHandlers (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::ModifierCallback callback, void *owner)
 Adds a property modifier without notifying handlers.
template<typename DataType >
void addPropertyNotificationHandler (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::NotificationCallback callback, void *owner)
template<typename DataType >
void addPropertyValueSource (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::TypedValueSource *valueSource, PropertyValuePrecedence precedence, AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourceOwner *owner)
template<typename DataType >
void addPropertyValueSource (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::TypedValueSource *valueSource, PropertyValuePrecedence precedence, void *ownerPointer)
PropertyStorageContainer::iterator beginPropertyStorage ()
 Returns the begin iterator to the internal property storage container.
PropertyStorageContainer::const_iterator beginPropertyStorage () const
 Returns the begin iterator to the internal property storage container.
void clearPropertyFlag (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, uint32_t flag)
void copyLocalValue (const PropertyObject &other, AbstractPropertyType propertyType)
 Copies local value of single property from another object.
void copyLocalValues (const PropertyObject &other)
 Copies all local values from another object.
PropertyStorageContainer::iterator endPropertyStorage ()
 Returns the end iterator to the internal property storage container.
PropertyStorageContainer::const_iterator endPropertyStorage () const
 Returns the end iterator to the internal property storage container.
template<typename DataType >
PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType getAbstractProperty (AbstractPropertyType abstractPropertyType) const
template<typename DataType >
PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType getAbstractPropertyBase (AbstractPropertyType abstractPropertyType) const
template<typename DataType >
optional< typename PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType > getOptionalAbstractProperty (AbstractPropertyType abstractPropertyType) const
template<typename DataType >
optional< typename PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType > getOptionalProperty (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType) const
 Evaluates the property value in the same way as the overload above but does not default to the value in property metadata if there are no inputs to the property value.
template<typename DataType >
optional< typename PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType > getOptionalPropertyBase (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType) const
 Returns the current value of a property disregarding modifiers, but does not default to the value in property metadata if there are no inputs to the property value.
template<typename DataType >
PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType getProperty (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType) const
 Returns the current value of a property type.
template<typename DataType >
PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType getPropertyBase (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType) const
 Returns the current value of a property disregarding modifiers.
template<typename DataType >
size_t getPropertyNotificationHandlerCount (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType) const
 Gets number of current notification handlers for given property type.
bool hasBaseValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType) const
 Evaluates whether there are any inputs into the property value, disregarding modifiers.
bool hasLocalValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType) const
 Evaluates whether there is a local value set for the property.
bool hasNonClassValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType) const
 Evaluates whether there is a value of any precedence higher than class default value set for the property.
bool hasValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType) const
 Evaluates whether there are any inputs into the property value.
bool isPropertyFlagSet (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, uint32_t flag) const
 PropertyObject ()
void removeKzbProperties ()
 Remove all KZB properties.
void removeKzbProperties (flat_set< AbstractPropertyType > *keepProperties)
 Remove all KZB properties that are not included in a given set.
template<typename DataType >
void removeLocalPropertyValueSource (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::TypedValueSource *valueSource, void *ownerPointer)
void removeLocalValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType)
 Removes the local value associated with the property.
template<typename DataType >
void removePropertyModifier (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::ModifierCallback callback, void *owner)
template<typename DataType >
void removePropertyNotificationHandler (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::NotificationCallback callback, void *owner)
template<typename DataType >
void removePropertyValueSource (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::TypedValueSource *valueSource, void *ownerPointer)
template<typename DataType >
void setAbstractProperty (AbstractPropertyType abstractPropertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ParameterType value)
template<typename DataType >
void setProperty (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ParameterType value)
 Sets the local value of a property type.
void setPropertyFlag (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, uint32_t flag)
KZ_DEPRECATED void validatePropertyModifiers (AbstractPropertyType propertyType)
 Validates property modifiers and notifies handlers.
void validatePropertyModifiersAndNotifyHandlers (AbstractPropertyType propertyType)
 Validates property modifiers and notifies handlers.
virtual ~PropertyObject ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::BindingHostConceptImpl< Node >
void addBindingRuntime (AbstractBindingRuntimeSharedPtr entry, shared_ptr< void > owner)
 Adds an already-created binding runtime to this binding host.
BindingRuntimeHandle setBinding (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding)
 Wrapper for setting a binding with no target.
BindingRuntimeHandle setBinding (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, AbstractPropertyType propertyType)
 Wrapper for setting a binding.
BindingRuntimeHandle setBinding (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyField field)
 Wrapper for setting a binding.
BindingRuntimeHandle setBinding (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyField field, PropertyValuePrecedence precedence)
 Wrapper for setting a binding.
BindingRuntimeHandle setBinding (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyValuePrecedence precedence)
 Wrapper for setting a binding.
BindingRuntimeHandle setBinding (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, shared_ptr< Node > templateRoot)
 Sets a binding with no target.
BindingRuntimeHandle setBinding (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, shared_ptr< Node > templateRoot, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyField field)
 Wrapper for setting a binding.
BindingRuntimeHandle setBinding (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, shared_ptr< Node > templateRoot, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyField field, PropertyValuePrecedence precedence)
 Wrapper for setting a binding.
BindingRuntimeHandle setBinding (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, shared_ptr< Node > templateRoot, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyValuePrecedence precedence)
 Wrapper for setting a binding.
BindingRuntimeHandle setBindingWithOwner (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, shared_ptr< void > owner)
 Wrapper for setting a binding with no target.
BindingRuntimeHandle setBindingWithOwner (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, shared_ptr< void > owner, AbstractPropertyType propertyType)
 Wrapper for setting a binding with owner.
BindingRuntimeHandle setBindingWithOwner (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, shared_ptr< void > owner, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyField field, PropertyValuePrecedence precedence)
 Wrapper for setting a binding with owner.
BindingRuntimeHandle setBindingWithOwner (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, shared_ptr< void > owner, shared_ptr< Node > templateRoot)
 Sets a binding with no target.
BindingRuntimeHandle setBindingWithOwner (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, shared_ptr< void > owner, shared_ptr< Node > templateRoot, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyField field, PropertyValuePrecedence precedence)
 Sets a binding to a certain property.
BindingRuntimeHandle setModifierBinding (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, AbstractPropertyType propertyType)
 Wrapper for setting a modifier binding.
BindingRuntimeHandle setModifierBinding (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyField field)
 Wrapper for setting a modifier binding.
BindingRuntimeHandle setModifierBinding (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, shared_ptr< Node > templateRoot, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyField field)
 Wrapper for setting a modifier binding.
BindingRuntimeHandle setModifierBindingWithOwner (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, shared_ptr< void > owner, AbstractPropertyType propertyType)
 Wrapper for setting a modifier binding.
BindingRuntimeHandle setModifierBindingWithOwner (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, shared_ptr< void > owner, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyField field)
 Wrapper for setting a modifier binding.
BindingRuntimeHandle setModifierBindingWithOwner (AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, shared_ptr< void > owner, shared_ptr< Node > templateRoot, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyField field)
 Sets a modifier binding.
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::BindingHostConcept
BindingRuntimeConstIterator beginBindingRuntimes () const
 Returns an iterator to the beginning of binding runtimes.
BindingRuntimeConstIterator endBindingRuntimes () const
 Returns an iterator to the end of binding runtimes.
AbstractBindingRuntimeSharedPtr getBindingRuntime (size_t idx)
 Gets binding by index.
size_t getBindingRuntimeCount () const
 Gets the number of binding runtimes added to this node.
void removeAllBindings ()
 Removes all binding runtimes.
void removeBinding (BindingRuntimeHandle &bindingRuntime)
 Removes a binding runtime added earlier.
void removeBindingsWithOwner (shared_ptr< void > owner)
 Removes all binding runtimes with the specified owner.

Static Public Member Functions

static ScrollView3DSharedPtr create (Domain *domain, string_view name)
 Creates a Scroll View node.
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< Node3D, ScrollView3D >
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::Node3D
static bool isUnboundedLayoutSize (Vector3 layoutSize)
 Returns whether a layout size is an unbounded layout size.
static bool isValidLayoutSize (Vector3 size)
 Returns whether a given size is a valid layout size.
static float layoutUp ()
 Returns the direction toward which the y axis of a 3D node grows.
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
static Vector3 replaceUnboundedLayoutSize (Vector3 layoutSize, Vector3 resetSize)
 Replaces any elements in an unbounded layout size with the corresponding elements of a given size.
static Vector3 replaceUnboundedLayoutSizeWithZero (Vector3 layoutSize)
 Replaces any elements in an unbounded layout size with zero.
static Vector3 unboundedLayoutSize ()
 Returns an unbounded layout size.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::Node
static bool isUnboundedLayoutValue (float layoutValue)
 Indicates whether a value is an unbound layout value.
static bool isValidLayoutValue (float value)
 Indicates whether a value is valid layout value.
static float replaceUnboundedLayoutValue (float layoutValue, float resetValue)
 Replaces layout value with the specified value if it is unbounded and returns it.
static float replaceUnboundedLayoutValueWithZero (float layoutValue)
 Replaces layout value with zero if it is unbounded layout value and returns it.
static float unboundedLayoutValue ()
 Returns an unbounded layout value.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::Object
static const MetaclassgetStaticMetaclass ()
 Returns the metaclass of Object class.
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
 Default implementation that returns empty editor info.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::MetaObject
static const MetaclassgetStaticMetaclass ()
 Returns the metaclass of Object class.
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
 Default implementation that returns empty editor info.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::ScrollViewConcept
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()

Protected Member Functions

 ScrollView3D (Domain *domain, string_view name)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< Node3D, ScrollView3D >
ScrollView3DgetThisObject ()
 Internal accessor for the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern.
const ScrollView3DgetThisObject () const
 Internal accessor for the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern.
void initialize ()
 Assigns the message handlers for the pan manipulator and scroll messages.
void onNodePropertyChanged (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyNotificationReason reason) override
 Node::onNodePropertyChanged() implementation.
void refreshMaximumNumberOfTouches ()
 Kanzi internally updates the maximum number of touch points of the pan manipulator to the value of the MaximumNumberOfTouchesProperty value.
void refreshMinimumNumberOfTouches ()
 Kanzi internally uses this helper function to update the minimum number of touch points of the pan manipulator to the value of the MinimumNumberOfTouchesProperty value.
void refreshScrollConfiguration ()
 Kanzi internally uses this helper function to update smooth interpolation coefficients between starting and stopping the interpolator timer, depending on whether a finger is still on a Scroll View node.
 ScrollViewConceptImpl (Domain *domain, string_view name)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::Node3D
virtual void arrangeOverride (Vector3 actualSize)
NodeSharedPtr findAbstractChildOverride (string_view name) override
virtual const RenderEntryParameterContainergenerateRenderStatesOverride (DrawObjectsRenderPass &drawPass)
 Node-specific render state generation.
void initialize ()
virtual Vector3 measureOverride (Vector3 availableSize)
 Node3D (Domain *domain, string_view name)
void onAttached () override
 Node::onAttached() implementation.
void onDetached () override
 Node::onDetached() implementation.
virtual void registerDrawPassOverride (DrawObjectsRenderPassSharedPtr drawPass)
 Node-specific implementation of draw pass registration.
virtual void renderOverride (Renderer3D &renderer, RenderEntry3D &renderEntry)
 Node-specific rendering implementation.
void setPrimitiveLayout (bool primitive)
 Sets primitive layout flag.
VisitorResult visitAbstractChildOverride (const Visitor &visitor, VisitorOrder order) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::Node
void attach ()
 Attaches the object node.
void detach ()
 Detaches the object node.
void initialize ()
 Node-specific initialization.
 Node (Domain *domain, string_view name)
void notifyPropertyHandlers (PropertyStoragePtr &propertyStorage, PropertyNotificationReason reason) override
 Notifies all property handlers on a property storage.
virtual void updateFocusScopeInfo (FocusScopePtr &nodeScopeInfo)
 Updates the overlay scope information that is attached to the root node of an overlay scope.
void updatePropertiesForConnectedNode ()
 Invokes property notifications for inherited properties during node tree connections.
void updatePropertiesForDisconnectedNode (Node *oldParent)
 Invokes property notifications for inherited properties during node tree disconnections.
void updateResourceReferences ()
void updateResourceReferences (AbstractPropertyType propertyType)
void updateResourceReferencesRecursive ()
void updateResourceReferencesRecursive (const ResourceID &resourceID)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::Object
void initialize ()
void onCopy (const Object &other)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::MetaObject
void initialize ()
 MetaObject ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::PropertyObject
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourceEntryacquireLocalValueSourceEntry (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor, PropertyStoragePtr &propertyStorage)
 Acquires a local value source entry that is free for the assignment of a value.
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ModifierStorageacquireModifierStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor, AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStorage &propertyStorage)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::NotificationStorageacquireNotificationStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor)
PropertyStoragePtr acquirePropertyStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor)
template<typename DataType >
void addPropertyModifierBase (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::ModifierCallback callback, void *owner, bool notify)
 Adds a property modifier entry to the property modifier stack and validates them.
void addPropertyValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor, AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSource *valueSource, PropertyValuePrecedence precedence, AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourceOwner *owner)
 Internally adds a property value source.
void addPropertyValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor, AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSource *valueSource, PropertyValuePrecedence precedence, void *ownerPointer)
 Internally adds a property value source.
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourceEntryconstructLocalValueSourceEntry (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor, AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStorage &propertyStorage)
PropertyStoragePtr constructPropertyStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor)
void copyLocalValue (const AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStorage &otherPropertyStorage)
 Copy local value from property storage.
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ModifierStoragefindModifierStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::NotificationStoragefindNotificationStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStoragefindPropertyStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
 Gets the property storage for given property type descriptor.
PropertyStoragePtr findPropertyStoragePtr (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
 Gets property storage intrusive pointer which you can use to hold a reference until the end of the operation.
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptorfindPropertyTypeDescriptorByNameAndDataType (string_view name, PropertyDataType dataType) const
 Finds a property type descriptor by name and data type.
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptorfindPropertyTypeDescriptorByQualifiedNameAndDataType (string_view qualifiedName, PropertyDataType dataType) const
 Like findPropertyTypeDescriptorByNameAndDataType, but only searches by matching with qualified names.
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptorfindPropertyTypeDescriptorByUnqualifiedNameAndDataType (string_view unqualifiedName, PropertyDataType dataType) const
 Like findPropertyTypeDescriptorByNameAndDataType, but only searches by matching with unqualified names.
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourcegetClassValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourcegetFinalValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourcegetNonClassValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourcegetTopValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
 Gets the top-level value source for a given property descriptor.
void onCopy (const PropertyObject &other)
void removeLocalValue (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor, PropertyStoragePtr &propertyStorage)
 Removes a local value from the given property storage.
void removePropertyValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor, AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSource *valueSource, void *owner)
 Removes a property value source.
void validatePropertyModifiers (PropertyStoragePtr &propertyStorage)
 Validates property modifiers without notifying handlers.
void validatePropertyModifiersAndNotifyHandlers (PropertyStoragePtr &propertyStorage)
 Validates property modifiers and notifies handlers.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::BindingHostConceptImpl< Node >
NodegetThisObject ()
 Internal accessor for the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern.
const NodegetThisObject () const
 Internal accessor for the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::BindingHostConcept
void attachBindings ()
 Attach all bindings stored in this object.
void detachBindings ()
 Detach bindings.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< Node3D, ScrollView3D >
typedef ScrollViewConceptImpl< Node3D, ScrollView3DTScrollView
- Public Types inherited from kanzi::Node3D
typedef ChildContainer::const_iterator ChildConstIterator
typedef ChildContainer::const_reverse_iterator ChildConstReverseIterator
typedef vector< Node3DSharedPtrChildContainer
 Iterators for child nodes.
typedef Matrix4x4 LayoutMatrixType
typedef Vector3 LayoutVectorType
using RenderEntryParameterContainer
 The type to use to return render entries from nodes.
enum  RenderMode { RenderModeNone , RenderModeDefault , RenderModeCustom }
 Specifies the rendering modes available for a 3D node. More...
- Public Types inherited from kanzi::Node
enum  ContentStretch {
  ContentStretchNone , ContentStretchFill , ContentStretchUniform , ContentStretchUniformToFill ,
 Content stretch option. More...
enum  DepthAlignment { DepthAlignmentBack , DepthAlignmentFront , DepthAlignmentCenter , DepthAlignmentStretch }
 Depth alignment options. More...
enum  HorizontalAlignment { HorizontalAlignmentLeft , HorizontalAlignmentRight , HorizontalAlignmentCenter , HorizontalAlignmentStretch }
 Horizontal alignment options. More...
typedef InputManipulatorContainer::const_iterator InputManipulatorConstIterator
typedef vector< InputManipulatorBaseSharedPtrInputManipulatorContainer
 Gets the input manipulator iterator.
typedef InputManipulatorContainer::iterator InputManipulatorIterator
typedef kanzi::vector< Node::MessageSubscriptionTokenMessageSubscriptionTokenVector
typedef NodeComponentContainer::const_iterator NodeComponentConstIterator
typedef vector< NodeComponentEntryNodeComponentContainer
 Gets the node component iterator.
typedef NodeComponentContainer::iterator NodeComponentIterator
enum  VerticalAlignment { VerticalAlignmentBottom , VerticalAlignmentTop , VerticalAlignmentCenter , VerticalAlignmentStretch }
 Vertical alignment options. More...
typedef function< VisitorResult(Node &) Visitor)
 Defines the type of the function that Kanzi executes for each node when visiting a node tree.
enum  VisitorOrder { VisitorPreOrder , VisitorPostOrder }
 Defines the order in which Kanzi visits the nodes in a node tree. More...
enum  VisitorResult { VisitorAbort , VisitorContinue , VisitorContinueSibling }
 Defines the return type of the Node::Visitor function. More...
- Public Types inherited from kanzi::PropertyObject
typedef PropertyStorageContainer::const_iterator PropertyStorageConstIterator
typedef vector< PropertyStoragePtrPropertyStorageContainer
typedef PropertyStorageContainer::iterator PropertyStorageIterator
typedef intrusive_ptr< AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStoragePropertyStoragePtr
typedef PropertyStorageContainer::reverse_iterator PropertyStorageReverseIterator
- Public Types inherited from kanzi::BindingHostConcept
using BindingHostConceptSharedPtr
 Binding host concept shared pointer type.
using BindingRuntimeConstIterator
 Const iterator for binding runtimes.
using BindingRuntimeContainer
 Container for binding runtimes.
using BindingRuntimeIterator
 Iterator for binding runtimes.
- Public Types inherited from kanzi::ScrollViewConcept
enum  AllowedScrollAxis { XAxis , YAxis , AllAxes }
 Enumeration for AllowedScrollAxisProperty which sets the axis on which you want to allow a Scroll View node to scroll. More...
enum  PanState { PanInitial , PanStarted , PanCancelling , PanCanceled }
 Enumeration for the state of pan. More...
enum  ScrollDirection { ScrollUp , ScrollDown , ScrollLeft , ScrollRight }
 Enumeration for the available directions when scrolling by step. More...
enum  ScrollEdge { ScrollHome , ScrollEnd }
 Enumeration for the available directions when scrolling to the edge of a Scroll View. More...
enum  ScrollPage { ScrollPageUp , ScrollPageDown }
 Enumeration for the available directions when scrolling a Scroll View node by page. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from kanzi::Node3D
static PropertyType< Matrix4x4FinalTransformationProperty
 Sets the final transformation of a 3D node.
static PropertyType< floatFrustumCullMarginProperty
 Sets the margin of the frustum cull radius of a 3D node.
static PropertyType< SRTValue3DRenderTransformationProperty
 Sets the render transformation of a 3D node.
static PropertyType< SRTValue3DLayoutTransformationProperty
 Sets the transformation of a 3D node relative to its parent node.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from kanzi::Node
static PropertyType< string > NameProperty
 Name property.
static PropertyType< string > PathProperty
 Path property.
static PropertyType< string > LocaleProperty
 Locale property.
static PropertyType< boolCreatedFromKZBProperty
 CreatedFromKZB property.
static PropertyType< boolHitTestableProperty
 HitTestable property.
static PropertyType< boolHitTestableContainerProperty
 HitTestableContainer property.
static PropertyType< boolVisibleProperty
 Visible property.
static PropertyType< boolEnabledProperty
 Sets whether the node is enabled.
static PropertyType< boolEffectivelyEnabledProperty
 Indicates whether the node and its ancestor nodes are enabled.
static PropertyType< boolFocusableProperty
 Sets whether a node can get focus and can participate in the focus chain navigation.
static PropertyType< boolFocusedProperty
 Sets whether a node is an focus node and can receive key messages.
static PropertyType< FocusStateFocusStateProperty
 Reports the focus state of a focusable node or focus scope node.
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrFontFamilyProperty
 Sets the font family the node uses.
static PropertyType< floatVisibleAmountInParentProperty
 VisibleAmountInParent property.
static PropertyType< floatProjection2DTo3DScaleProperty
 Projection2DTo3DScale property.
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrStyleProperty
 Style property.
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrStateManagerProperty
 StateManager property.
static PropertyType< void * > PrefabTemplateSourceProperty
 PrefabTemplateSource property.
static PropertyType< floatWidthProperty
 Width property.
static PropertyType< floatHeightProperty
 Height property.
static PropertyType< floatDepthProperty
 Depth property.
static PropertyType< floatActualWidthProperty
 ActualWidth property.
static PropertyType< floatActualHeightProperty
 ActualHeight property.
static PropertyType< floatActualDepthProperty
 ActualDepth property.
static PropertyType< Node::HorizontalAlignmentHorizontalAlignmentProperty
 HorizontalAlignment property.
static PropertyType< Node::VerticalAlignmentVerticalAlignmentProperty
 VerticalAlignment property.
static PropertyType< Node::DepthAlignmentDepthAlignmentProperty
 DepthAlignment property.
static PropertyType< Vector2HorizontalMarginProperty
 Sets the horizontal space between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout.
static PropertyType< Vector2VerticalMarginProperty
 Sets the vertical space between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout.
static PropertyType< Vector2DepthMarginProperty
 Sets the space in the depth direction between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout.
static PropertyType< Node::ContentStretchContentStretchProperty
 ContentStretch property.
static PropertyType< floatOpacityProperty
 Opacity property.
static PropertyType< boolHoverProperty
 Kanzi updates the HoverProperty for a hit testable node to indicate whether the node is the foremost node under the cursor.
static PropertyType< boolClipChildrenProperty
 ClipChildren property.
static PropertyType< intSceneGraphAddNodeChangeChildFlagsProperty
 SceneGraphAddNodeChangeChildFlags property.
static PropertyType< intSceneGraphAddNodeChangeParentFlagsProperty
 SceneGraphAddNodeChangeParentFlags property.
static PropertyType< intSceneGraphRemoveNodeChangeChildFlagsProperty
 SceneGraphRemoveNodeChangeChildFlags property.
static PropertyType< intSceneGraphRemoveNodeChangeParentFlagsProperty
 SceneGraphRemoveNodeChangeParentFlags property.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from kanzi::ScrollViewConcept
static MessageType< ScrollDirectionMessageArgumentsScrollDirectionMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll one step in a given direction.
static MessageType< ScrollDownMessageArgumentsScrollDownMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll down the distance that you set using the StepMultiplierProperty.
static MessageType< ScrollEdgeMessageArgumentsScrollEdgeMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll to the top or bottom of that Scroll View node.
static MessageType< ScrolledMessageArgumentsScrolledMessage
 Scroll View sends this message whenever the Scroll View node scrolls.
static MessageType< ScrollEndMessageArgumentsScrollEndMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll to the end of that Scroll View node.
static MessageType< ScrollFinishedMessageArgumentsScrollFinishedMessage
 Scroll View sends this message when scrolling ends, regardless of how the scrolling ended.
static MessageType< ScrollHomeMessageArgumentsScrollHomeMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll to the beginning of that Scroll View node.
static MessageType< ScrollLeftMessageArgumentsScrollLeftMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll left the distance that you set using the StepMultiplierProperty.
static MessageType< ScrollPageDownMessageArgumentsScrollPageDownMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll down the distance of the layout height of that Scroll View node.
static MessageType< ScrollPageMessageArgumentsScrollPageMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll the distance of the layout height of that Scroll View node.
static MessageType< ScrollPageUpMessageArgumentsScrollPageUpMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll up the distance of the layout height of that Scroll View node.
static MessageType< ScrollRightMessageArgumentsScrollRightMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll right the distance that you set using the StepMultiplierProperty.
static MessageType< ScrollStartedMessageArgumentsScrollStartedMessage
 Scroll View sends this message when scrolling starts, regardless of how the scrolling started.
static MessageType< ScrollUpMessageArgumentsScrollUpMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll up the distance that you set using the StepMultiplierProperty.
static MessageType< SetScrollMessageArgumentsSetScrollMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View to go a scroll position immediately without scrolling.
static MessageType< SetScrollTargetMessageArgumentsSetScrollTargetMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View to scroll to a specific position in that Scroll View node.
static MessageType< SnapRequestMessageArgumentsSnapRequestMessage
 Scroll View sends this message when scrolling stops, but the Scroll View node needs to snap to the nearest item.
static MessageType< UserScrollFinishedMessageArgumentsUserScrollFinishedMessage
 Scroll View sends this message when user interaction causes the scrolling to end.
static MessageType< UserScrollStartedMessageArgumentsUserScrollStartedMessage
 Scroll View sends this message when user interaction causes the scrolling to start.
static MessageType< ZoomedMessageArgumentsZoomedMessage
 Scroll View sends this message when zoom in or zoom out occurs.
static PropertyType< floatMessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionXProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionX argument to set the x axis coordinate for the new scroll position of a Scroll View node.
static PropertyType< floatMessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionYProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionY argument to set the y axis coordinate for the new scroll position of a Scroll View node.
static PropertyType< Vector2MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPosition argument to set the x and y axis coordinates for the new scroll position of a Scroll View node.
static PropertyType< Vector2MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollSpeedProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollSpeed argument to set the scrolling speed of a Scroll View node.
static PropertyType< Vector2MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollTargetProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollTarget argument to set the scroll target for a Scroll View node.
static PropertyType< intMessageArgumentScrollViewScrollDirectionProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollDirection argument to set the scrolling direction for a Scroll View node.
static PropertyType< intMessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPageProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPage argument to set the direction in which a Scroll View node scrolls when you instruct it to scroll by the layout height of that Scroll View node.
static PropertyType< intMessageArgumentScrollViewScrollEdgeProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollEdge argument to set the direction in which a Scroll View node scrolls when you instruct it to scroll to either of the edges.
static PropertyType< floatMessageArgumentScrollViewZoomProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewZoom argument to set the zoom level for a Scroll View node.
static PropertyType< Vector2MessageArgumentScrollViewSnapPositionProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewSnapPosition argument to set the target of a snap request.
static PropertyType< Vector2MessageArgumentScrollViewSnapDirectionProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewSnapDirection argument to set the direction of a snap request.
static PropertyType< floatRecognitionThresholdProperty
 Use the Recognition Threshold property to set the amount a pointing device must move for the scrolling to start on a Scroll View node.
static PropertyType< intMinimumNumberOfTouchesProperty
 Use the Minimum Number Of Touches property to set the required number of touch points pressed for a Scroll View node pan to start.
static PropertyType< intMaximumNumberOfTouchesProperty
 Use the Maximum Number Of Touches property to set the maximum number of touch points allowed for a Scroll View to pan.
static PropertyType< floatSensitivityProperty
 Use the Sensitivity property to set the amount the position changes relative to the movement of the pointer that starts the swiping.
static PropertyType< floatSlidingAccelerationCoefficientProperty
 Use the Sliding Acceleration Coefficient property to set the acceleration of the node controlled by a Scroll View node after you release the pointer with which you swipe.
static PropertyType< floatSlidingDragCoefficientProperty
 Use the Sliding Drag Coefficient property to set the amount that drag affects the movement of the node controlled by a Scroll View node after you release the pointer with which you swipe.
static PropertyType< floatDraggingAccelerationCoefficientProperty
 Use the Dragging Acceleration Coefficient property to set the acceleration of the node controlled by a Scroll View node while you drag that Scroll View node.
static PropertyType< floatDraggingDragCoefficientProperty
 Use the Dragging Drag Coefficient property to set the amount that drag affects the movement of the node controlled by a Scroll View node while you drag that Scroll View node.
static PropertyType< floatDraggingImpulseFactorProperty
 Use the Dragging Impulse Factor property to set the amount of impulse generated from the pointing device movement when dragging a Scroll View node.
static PropertyType< floatSwipeDistanceProperty
 Use the Swipe Distance property to set the distance that a swipe sends the scroll value, relative to the pointing device speed.
static PropertyType< Vector2ScrollPositionProperty
 Reports the scroll position of the Scroll View node along the x and y axes as a relative position within the Scroll View area.
static PropertyType< Vector2ScrollTargetPositionProperty
 Use the Scroll Target Position property to set the value for the current scroll target.
static PropertyType< Vector2ScrollSpeedProperty
 Use the Scroll Speed property to set the current scroll speed.
static PropertyType< boolScrollingProperty
 Use the Scrolling property to find out whether a Scroll View node is currently scrolling.
static PropertyType< boolZoomAffectsScrollingProperty
 Use the Zoom Affects Scrolling property to set whether the scroll position is scaled according to the zoom level.
static PropertyType< Vector2ScrollBoundsMinimumProperty
 Use the Scroll Bounds Minimum property to set the coordinates of the top-left corner of the scroll bounds rectangle.
static PropertyType< Vector2ScrollBoundsMaximumProperty
 Use the Scroll Bounds Maximum property to set the coordinates of the bottom-right corner of the scroll bounds rectangle.
static PropertyType< boolLoopingXEnabledProperty
 Use the Looping X Enabled property to set the node controlled by a Scroll View node to start scrolling from the beginning when the scroll reaches the scroll bounds on the x axis.
static PropertyType< boolLoopingYEnabledProperty
 Use the Looping Y Enabled property to set the node controlled by a Scroll View node to start scrolling from the beginning when the scroll reaches the scroll bounds on the y axis.
static PropertyType< boolZoomEnabledProperty
 Use the Zoom Enabled property to set whether to install a pinch manipulator that generates zoom messages.
static PropertyType< floatZoomProperty
 Use the Zoom property to set the current zoom level.
static PropertyType< floatZoomMinimumProperty
 Use the Zoom Minimum property to set the minimum zoom level.
static PropertyType< floatZoomMaximumProperty
 Use the Zoom Maximum property to set the maximum zoom level.
static PropertyType< floatStepMultiplierProperty
 Use the Step Multiplier property to set the smallest distance that a Scroll View scrolls.
static PropertyType< AllowedScrollAxisAllowedScrollAxisProperty
 Sets the axis on which you want to allow a Scroll View node to scroll.
static PropertyType< boolReversedXAxisScrollProperty
 Indicates whether the direction of touch scrolling is reversed on the x axis.
static PropertyType< boolReversedYAxisScrollProperty
 Indicates whether the direction of touch scrolling is reversed on the y axis.
- Protected Types inherited from kanzi::Object
typedef vector< AppliedStyleEntrySharedPtrAppliedStyleContainer
 Applied style container.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::Node
static VisitorResult applyStylesVisitor (Node &node, bool apply)
static VisitorResult attachVisitor (Node &node)
static VisitorResult detachVisitor (Node &node)
static bool processPropertyChanged (Node &node, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, const PropertyStoragePtr &nodePropertyStorage, AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStorage *changedPropertyStorage, PropertyNotificationReason reason)
 Processes notification handlers for node and property storage.
static VisitorResult propertyChangedVisitor (Node &node, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStorage *propertyStorage, PropertyNotificationReason reason)
static VisitorResult updateAllResourcesVisitor (Node &node)
static VisitorResult updateResourceVisitor (Node &node, const ResourceID &id)
static VisitorResult validateDrawVisitor (Node &node)
 Visitor for validating draw.
- Protected Attributes inherited from kanzi::Object
AppliedStyleContainer m_appliedStyles
 Listing of applied styles applied to this object.
- Protected Attributes inherited from kanzi::BindingHostConcept
BindingRuntimeContainer m_bindingRuntimes
 Bindings in this object.

Detailed Description

Use the Scroll View 3D node to create an input plane to enable user input from gestures.

For example, you can use the scroll message with its parameters generated by a Scroll View node to move a map plane or rotate a mesh.

When you create a Scroll View node it does not have a visual shape and does not necessarily need visible content. You can use a Scroll View node as an interactive surface even when it does not have visible content. When a user interacts with a Scroll View node, the action generates a message that travels to the Scroll View node where you can define the behavior for that message.

Relative position within a Scroll View is called scroll position and a position to which a Scroll View is going to scroll is called scroll target. Scroll View nodes report changes of their scroll position using the ScrollViewConcept::ScrolledMessage message. For example, you can add actions to react to these messages to set the position of a node controlled by a Scroll View node according to the scrolling. Current scroll position can also be read from ScrollPositionProperty.

Scroll View 3D node has location, position, and size in 3D space. It registers user input in 3D coordinates within the area defined by the size of the Scroll View 3D node. Take this into account when you design interaction with a Scroll View 3D. For example, if you rotate a Scroll View 3D node, the scroll input gets distorted.

Finding out when scrolling starts or ends

You can find out when the scrolling of a Scroll View node starts or ends by subscribing to the Scroll View messages. Scroll View nodes send:

  • ScrollStartedMessage message when scrolling starts, regardless of how the scrolling started.
  • ScrollFinishedMessage message when scrolling ends, regardless of how the scrolling ended. Scrolling ends when the interpolators reach the target values and the current position no longer changes.
  • UserScrollStartedMessage message when user interaction causes the scrolling to start.
  • UserScrollFinishedMessage message when user interaction causes the scrolling to end. At this point the user interaction ended, but the scrolling movement can still continue.

Setting the scroll position of a Scroll View node

You can scroll to a specific position in a Scroll View node by sending a SetScrollMessage message or by setting the value of the ScrollPositionProperty to that Scroll View. When you send a SetScrollMessage message or set the value of the ScrollPositionProperty to a Scroll View, that Scroll View goes to that position immediately. If scrolling to a position is in progress and the scroll target is different from the current scroll position, this message does not stop that scrolling.

When you want to change the values towards which the Scroll View interpolators are going, set the scroll target for that Scroll View. If the scroll target and the current scroll position do not match, a Scroll View node interpolates the scroll values towards the scroll target values. X and Y scroll values use separate interpolators and velocities.

See also
For a 2D version of the Scroll View node, see ScrollView2D.
For a general description of the Scroll View node, see ScrollViewConcept.


To use a Scroll View 3D node to pan a node, use the ScrolledMessage messages:

// Declare the variables you use to store the nodes in this example.
// Define the handler function for the ScrollView3D.ScrolledMessage message which a Scroll View generates when it scrolls.
void onScrollViewScrolled(ScrollView3D::ScrollMessageArguments& messageArguments)
// Make a 3D vector out of the scroll position x and y axis coordinates of the Scroll View node. Set value for z to 0.
Vector3 translation = Vector3(-messageArguments.getScrollPositionX(), messageArguments.getScrollPositionY(), 0.0f);
// Set the above 3D vector as a render translation of the Box node that you pan with a Scroll View node.
// Create the Scroll View which uses the ScrollView3D.ScrolledMessage message handler.
void exampleSetupScrollView3D()
// Create a Scroll View 3D node and set its size.
scrollView = ScrollView3D::create(domain, "Scroll View");
scrollView->setSize(100.0f, 100.0f, 10.0f);
// Create a Box node and attach it to the Scroll View 3D node.
box = Model3D::createBox(domain, "Box", Vector3(2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f), ThemeOrange);
// Add a message handler for the ScrollView3D.ScrolledMessage message from the Scroll View 3D node.
scrollView->addMessageHandler(ScrollView3D::ScrolledMessage, bind(&ScrollView3DScrollSnippet::onScrollViewScrolled, this, placeholders::_1));

To use a Scroll View 3D node to scale a node, use the ZoomedMessage messages:

// Declare the variables you use to store the nodes in this example.
// Declare the variable you use to store the Render Transformation property.
SRTValue3D baseTransform;
// Define the handler function for the ScrollView3D.ZoomedMessage message which a Scroll View generates when it zooms.
void onScrollViewZoomed(ScrollView3D::ZoomedMessageArguments& arguments)
// Get the value for the amount of zoom from the ScrollView3D.ZoomedMessage message arguments.
float zoom = arguments.getZoom();
// Make a copy of the saved base Render Transformation of the Box node.
SRTValue3D transformCopy(baseTransform);
// Scale the copied transform on every axis for the zoom amount.
transformCopy.scale(Vector3(zoom, zoom, zoom));
// Apply the scaled transform to the Render Transformation property of the Box node.
// Create the Scroll View which uses the ScrollView3D.Zoomed message handler.
void exampleSetupScrollView3D()
// Create Scroll View 3D node and set a size for it.
scrollView = ScrollView3D::create(domain, "Scroll View");
scrollView->setSize(100.0f, 100.0f, 10.0f);
// Create a Box node and attach it to the Scroll View 3D node.
box = Model3D::createBox(domain, "Box", Vector3(2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f), ThemeOrange);
// Get the value of the Render Transformation property of the Box node.
baseTransform = box->getRenderTransformation();
// Add a message handler for the ScrollView3D.ZoomedMessage message from the Scroll View 3D node.
scrollView->addMessageHandler(ScrollView3D::ZoomedMessage, bind(&ScrollView3DZoomSnippet::onScrollViewZoomed, this, placeholders::_1));

To set the scroll position using a property:

// Set the ScrollViewConcept.ScrollPositionProperty.
scrollView2D->setProperty(ScrollViewConcept::ScrollPositionProperty, Vector2(100.0f, 100.0f));

To set the scroll position using a message:

// Create the scroll position message arguments.
ScrollViewConcept::SetScrollMessageArguments args;
args.setScrollPosition(Vector2(50.0f, 25.0f));
// Send the message to set the scroll position.
scrollView2D->dispatchMessage(ScrollViewConcept::SetScrollMessage, args);

To set the scroll target and start scrolling to the position set by the target:

// Create the scroll target message arguments.
ScrollViewConcept::SetScrollTargetMessageArguments args;
args.setScrollTarget(Vector2(50.0f, 25.0f));
// Send the message to set the scroll target.
scrollView2D->dispatchMessage(ScrollViewConcept::SetScrollTargetMessage, args);

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ScrollView3D()

kanzi::ScrollView3D::ScrollView3D ( Domain * domain,
string_view name )


domainThe UI domain the node belongs to.
nameThe name of the node.

Member Function Documentation

◆ create()

static ScrollView3DSharedPtr kanzi::ScrollView3D::create ( Domain * domain,
string_view name )

Creates a Scroll View node.

domainThe domain the node belongs to.
nameThe name of the node.

◆ makeEditorInfo()

static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr kanzi::ScrollView3D::makeEditorInfo ( )

◆ calculatePanTransform()

optional< Matrix3x3 > kanzi::ScrollView3D::calculatePanTransform ( const InputManipulator::InputMessageArguments & arguments) const

Calculates the transform for a pan delta from input coordinates to the local scroll plane.

Returns a transform to convert a pan delta from input coordinates to local scroll plane. If Kanzi cannot compute the transform, returns nullopt.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: